Hi, I noticed that when using the varStatus attribute of tr:table, it can be used into any local EL statement only. If I use it inside any expression to be passed on to any included component, then that expression is evaluated to a constant (1).

<tr:table varStatus="statux" ...
       <tr:commandLink onclick="Click( 'foo:#{statux.index}');" ...

this works fine - providing the proper EL value for each row - while:

<tr:table varStatus="statux" ...
            <cx:valueHolder idBase="foo:#{statux.index}"/>

where cx:valueHolder is an included component having:

   <tr:commandLink onclick="Click( 'foo:#{statux.index}');" ...

In this case, statux.index is evaluated to 1 for all rows, according to Firebug. I suspect that this is a facelets issue, just wondering if anybody knows more about (and and workaround).

-- Renzo

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