
I'm trying to get PPR work with an inputText component as follow:

<tr:inputText id="testId" label="something" value="#{something}"
partialSubmit="true" autoSubmit="true"
valueChangeListener="#{backingBean.idHasChanged}" immediate="true" />
<tr:selectOneChoice label="choose" value="#{something}" binding="#{choise}"
        <f:selectItems value="#{someItems}" />

Unfortunatelly, the whole page gets refreshed. I tried lots of combinations
w/wo partialSubmit, autoSubmit, valueChangeListener, but couldn't get it
partially rendered.

If I just use partialSubmit and no autoSubmit (as I saw in many examples),
nothing happends, even if a valueChangeListener is assigned.

I also tried a tr:subform.

How can I get a selectOneChoise partially rendered depending on an

I'm using Trinidad 1.2.7.

Kind regards,

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