Hi All,

I have a problem with building a popup with a listbox.

Case 1 (see code below):
If I click on the "Add" button the popup will be partially rendered, but without the new entry inside the listbox. The new entry should be added by the actionListener.

Case 2 (also code below, but without the attribute tag inside the "Add" button tags): If I drop the tag <tc:attribute name="renderedPartially" value=":page:popup" /> within the "Add" button tags, the popup disappears after clicking on the button "Add". I can open it again and the new entry is available, but this is not very user-friendly.

For me it seems that the combination of actionListener and renderedPartially doesn't work.

<tc:popup id="popup" width="300px" height="200px" >
               <tc:box label="Author input">
                   <f:facet name="layout">
                       <tc:gridLayout rows="*;50px"/>

                   <tc:selectOneListbox id="listbox"
                       <f:selectItems value="#{author.authors}" />

<tc:panel id="buttons">
                       <f:facet name="layout">
                           <tc:gridLayout columns="*;*;*" />
<tc:button actionListener="#{author.onNew}" label="Add"> <tc:attribute name="renderedPartially" value=":page:popup" />

                       <tc:button label="Ok">
<tc:attribute name="popupClose" value="afterSubmit" /> <tc:attribute name="renderedPartially" value=":page:popup" />

                       <tc:button label="Cancel">
<tc:attribute name="popupClose" value="immediate" />
                       <tc:cell />


Thanks for any helping.

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