
On Fri, Jul 4, 2008 at 8:27 PM, Mathias Walter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> just to let you know: The nightly build of Trinidad 1.2.9 breaks some EL
> getter or setter methods. It's hard to explain.

thanks for the heads-up.

> I'm using a facelet component which sets a variable to the row of a tr:table
> (<c:set var="entity" value="#{row}" />). This variable is then used in a
> child table (which is also a facelet component) as source value.
> In 1.2.9 this approach does not work anymore. The entity is set to the
> current row of the child table and does not contain the row entity set
> before.
> Up to 1.2.8, all works fine. I checked the fixes for 1.2.9, but could not
> find a related one.

hrm, that means, by just changing from 1.2.8 to 1.2.9 shows up,
and goes away, when going back to 128?

I know there was a change in the EL engine, that is used by glassfish
or jetty, but
I am not aware of a change in Trinidad in that direction.

> facelet tag code:
> <ui:composition>
>        <c:choose>
>                <c:when test="${empty value}">
>                    <c:set var="source" value="${backingBean.list}" />
>                </c:when>
>                <c:otherwise>
>                    <c:set var="source" value="${entity[value]}" />
>                </c:otherwise>
>        </c:choose>
>        <c:choose>
>                <c:when test="${empty eventBinding}">
>                    <c:set var="binding" value="${backingBean}" />
>                </c:when>
>                <c:otherwise>
>                    <c:set var="binding" value="${eventBinding}" />
>                </c:otherwise>
>        </c:choose>
>        <tr:table value="${source}" binding="${binding.model}" var="row">
>                <c:set var="entity" value="#{row}" />
>                <ui:insert />
>                <tr:column headerText="Actions">
>                        <tr:panelButtonBar>
>                                <tr:commandLink action="#{backingBean.edit}"
> text="Edit" partialSubmit="true" rendered="#{!backingBean.editMode and
> backingBean.visibleOnly}" immediate="true" />
>                                <tr:commandLink action="#{backingBean.save}"
> text="Save" partialSubmit="true" rendered="#{!backingBean.visibleOnly}" />
>                                <tr:commandLink
> action="#{backingBean.cancel}" text="Cancel" partialSubmit="true"
> rendered="#{!backingBean.visibleOnly}" immediate="true">
>                                        <tr:resetActionListener/>
>                                </tr:commandLink>
>                        </tr:panelButtonBar>
>                </tr:column>
>        </tr:table>
> </ui:composition>
> xhtml code:
> <i:ietable panelCaption="Samples" backingBean="#{samples}"
> eventBinding="#{samplesBindings}">
>        <i:field label="ID" name="id" columns="6" readOnly="true"/>
>        <f:facet name="detailStamp">
>                <i:ietable panelCaption="Findings" value="findings"
> backingBean="#{findings}" eventBinding="#{findingsBindings}" parent="#{row}"
> nested="true">

thanks for the code snippets.
Since I am almost on vacation, do you mind to file a bug?
So, that we don't forget about it?
I already thought about a 1.2.9 for end of July, since some bugs where fixed,
but if this is really in Trinidad, IMO this is a bad bug.


> --
> Regards,
> Mathias

Matthias Wessendorf

further stuff:
blog: http://matthiaswessendorf.wordpress.com/
sessions: http://www.slideshare.net/mwessendorf
mail: matzew-at-apache-dot-org

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