The Apache MyFaces team is pleased to announce the release of MyFaces
Core 1.1.6.
MyFaces Core is a JavaServer(tm) Faces 1.1 implementation as specified
by JSR-127. MyFaces Core has passed Sun's JSR-127 TCK and is 100%
compliant with the JSR-127 specification.
MyFaces Core 1.1.6 is available in both binary and source distributions.
MyFaces Core is also available in the central Maven repository under
Group ID "org.apache.myfaces.core".
Release Notes - MyFaces Core - Version 1.1.6
* [MYFACES-1287] - Provider for javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory
cannot be found
* [MYFACES-1310] - IllegalStateException:Strict Servlet api:cannot
call getOutputSteam() after getWriter() on Weblogic 8.1 sp 5
* [MYFACES-1311] - MyFaces Portlet at Weblogic 8.1 SP5: Request
Parameter weren't submitted
* [MYFACES-1379] - CLONE -commandLink actions ignored inside tree2
* [MYFACES-1467] - Validation doesn't run for required fields if
submitted value is null
* [MYFACES-1504] - oamSetHiddenInput function missing if ...
* [MYFACES-1513] - myfaces-api has unnecessary commons-digester
* [MYFACES-1543] - mbean_source.jsp not working
* [MYFACES-1549] - MyFaces-API issue: getValue of UIInput
* [MYFACES-1555] - h:messages and h:message don't use style
attribute when rendering
* [MYFACES-1581] - UISelectOne encounters exception in call to equals()
* [MYFACES-1590] - MyFaces build doesn't work offline - validation
of TLDs fails
* [MYFACES-1641] - ContentType cannot be set when only text/* media
range is accepted
* [MYFACES-1707] - log catched exceptions
* [MYFACES-1740] - NullPointer exception in ErrorPageWriter
* [MYFACES-1744] - Validation messages is shown for SelectOneMenu in
case first child is not SelectItems or SelectItem
* [MYFACES-1750] - Evaluation of EL-Expression fails with custom
* [MYFACES-1762] - h:messages - error while rendering id and
styleClass attributes
* [MYFACES-1797] - Config Parameter for refresh Period is never
* [MYFACES-1802] - FacesException and nested exceptions
* [MYFACES-1809] - Linkrenderer with TrinidadForm does not render
* [MYFACES-1818] - JavascriptUtils.encodeString does not properly
translate '\' characters into "\\" (2) characters
* [MYFACES-1832] - bad charset encoding on <f:param> tag
* [MYFACES-1871] - UIInput throws IllegalArgumentException for
unknown event types in broadcast()
* [MYFACES-1876] - 1.1.6-SNAPSHOT version is not JDK 1.4 compatible
* [MYFACES-1883] - /WEB-INF/faces-config.xml Loaded twice if logging
* [MYFACES-1891] - ClassCastException in converter when Hiding /
Showing unselected selectOneRadio
* [MYFACES-1535] - findComponent slow for a high amount of calls
* [MYFACES-1552] - Rendering less JavaScript for each button
* [MYFACES-1569] - Error message when input text is disabled or readOnly
* [MYFACES-1591] - Improved error handling in config management
* [MYFACES-1688] - Highlighting of component on error page
* [MYFACES-1689] - Reload of faces-config-files if changes are detected
* [MYFACES-1853] - ErrorPageWriter causes Facelets/MyFaces confusion
* [MYFACES-1874] - Component generation using myfaces builder plugin
for 1.1
* [MYFACES-1887] - Print Multiple exceptions information thrown on
update model
* [MYFACES-1888] - catch Throwable errors when using ErrorPageWriter
(myfaces error handling)
New Feature
* [MYFACES-1784] - Arabizing MyFaces Core Components
Leonardo Uribe