Hmmm.... I understand your idea. It should work, but then we'll have
"select equipment type" near every equipment type.
We also have inputText field on this page for equipment name input. So
if I use radio buttons, I'll have standard "fill the fields and click
ok/cancel" application. Otherwise user won't have "right for mistake".

2008/9/2 Jim the Standing Bear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hmm... maybe I am a bit slow, but I still don't see why you had to use
> the radio button for equipment types...  why not just use a
> commandlink for each equipment type node, and whenever a user clicks
> on it, your backing bean would select the corresponding equipment
> type?
> On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 1:18 PM, Nikita Koselev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> The whole idea of this tree of equipment types is to select the type
>> needed from the tree, add some description, like "toyota" to it in
>> database and save it to equipment_id, equipment_type,
>> equipment_description TABLE.
>> I tried to wrap the whole tree into h:selectOneRadio but it doesn't work.
>> The problem is that there is only t:treeCheckbox Tomahawk tag (which
>> is used for creation of checkboxes in the tree).
>> I think the easiest way is to create my own component, like treeRadioButton .
>> Thanks for help.
>> 2008/9/2 Jim the Standing Bear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>> By enclosing the <h:selectOneRadio> tag inside of the facet, you were
>>> literally creating a different group of radio buttons for each node,
>>> and your results verified that also.
>>> You may want to try moving the <h:selectOneRadio> tags outside of the
>>> <t:tree2> tag, or outside of the <f:facet name="equipmentType"> tag.
>>> I haven't tried this, so it may or may not work.
>>> But why bother with the radio button anyways?  Since the tree only
>>> allows you to select one node at a time, the mutual-exclusiveness is
>>> already there.  Having the radioButtons will just be redundant.  Is it
>>> possible to shift the logic behind the radioButton click to the
>>> treeNode click?  HTH
>>> -- Jim
>>> On Sat, Aug 30, 2008 at 6:24 PM, Nikita Koselev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> Dear friends,
>>>> Here goes the problem.
>>>> I've built a tree from database.
>>>> Lets say that it specifies types of equipment.
>>>> I want manager to have possibility to add new equipment, according to
>>>> equipment type, which he should
>>>> select from the tree (at least our analyst thinks so).
>>>> I've managed to generate and render tree from database, using tomahawk
>>>> tree2 tag.
>>>> What I need now is a possibility to select any of the nodes or leafs
>>>> with a radio button,  which
>>>> will send equipment_type_id further to the command bean.
>>>> The problem is that when I put code like this to the tree2:
>>>> ---
>>>> <t:tree2 value="#{equipmentController.treeData}" var="node"
>>>>                varNodeToggler="t">
>>>>                <f:facet name="equipment type">
>>>>                        <h:panelGroup>
>>>>                                <h:selectOneRadio>
>>>>                                        <f:selectItem 
>>>> itemValue="#{node.identifier}"
>>>> itemLabel="#{node.description}" />
>>>>                                </h:selectOneRadio>
>>>>                        </h:panelGroup>
>>>>                </f:facet>
>>>> </t:tree2>
>>>> ---
>>>> I get separate set of selectOneRadio sets for each leaf/node.
>>>> However it must be possible to select only one leaf/node by clicking
>>>> radio button.
>>>> Any ideas, how to do it?
>>>> Sincerely,
>>>> Nikita Koselev
>>> --
>>> --------------------------------------
>>> Standing Bear Has Spoken
>>> --------------------------------------
>> --
>> Nikita Koselev
> --
> --------------------------------------
> Standing Bear Has Spoken
> --------------------------------------

Nikita Koselev

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