

Is the backing bean in session scope or Request scope?

If you have the backing bean in request scope, the bean will be re created 
after your search.


Not sure, if this makes sense





From: m4rkuz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2008 10:25 AM
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: Problem with h:commandLink in t:dataTable


Hi Everyone,

I have a little big problem,  I got a CRUD like app, in the main form I have a 
data table that shows the result of a query and every row has a link to jump to 
the edit page, everything works fine, until I try to go to the next page 
h:commandLink action="#{backingBean.edit}"  with the selected row so I can edit 
it, the problems kicks in when I remove a line of code that I have in the 
getObjectList method 

objectList = manager.findAll();  


        I remove it because I need that the main page doesn't show anything 
until the search button is clicked, after this modification the links stop 
working, I cannot get to the nex page, in Debug mode I see I don't even get to 
the edit() methond in the backing bean, is like the bean is recreated before 
the action of the h:commandLink kicks and then the table data and the row are 
null so they don't fire any event :S

        The BackingBean scope is Request (it work with session scope but I 
don't think is necesary to hold on that bean for a whole session )
        and I have try with <f:param ,   <f:attribute,  
<f:setPropertyActionListener  all works untill I remove that line....
        What Can I do??
        Code below..
                                        <t:dataTable id="perfilesTable" 
width="100%" border="0" rows="20" 
                                            cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1" 
                                            var="selectedRow" rowClasses="row1, 
row2"   headerClass="tableHead"> 
                                                   <f:facet name="header">
action="#{backingBean.edit}" value="#{selectedRow.name}" 
name="attributeName1" value="#{selectedRow}" />
                                                <f:facet name="header">
        PD: I'm totally sory I post this same question in a ongoing thread I 
just forgot to clear the subject
        Marcus V. Sánchez D.
        Enterprise Developer.
        Sun Certified Java Programmer (SCJP)


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