On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 5:59 PM, Amaris Nieves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
> I want to be able to have a form inside one of the tabs of a > <t:panelTabbedPane> and when a button is clicked the active tab changes to > the next tab. How can I do this? > Can have an example of how to achieve this? > There is not a clean solution for this issue. It depends if you are using client side or server side tab switch. on client side tab switch it renders something like this: <input type="submit" name="_idJsp0:panelTabbedPane1:_idJsp2.0" value="Tab1" onclick="return myFaces_showPanelTab(0,'_idJsp0:panelTabbedPane1:_idJsp2_indexSubmit','_idJsp0:panelTabbedPane1:tab1_headerCell','_idJsp0:panelTabbedPane1:tab1.content',panelTabbedPane_5F_5FidJsp0_3ApanelTabbedPane1_3A_5FidJsp2_5FHeadersIDs,panelTabbedPane_5F_5FidJsp0_3ApanelTabbedPane1_3A_5FidJsp2_5FIDs,null,null,null,null);" /> so call this java method should do the trick. but on server side tab switch it is rendered like this: <input type="submit" name="_idJsp0:panelTabbedPane2:_idJsp37.0" value="Tab1" /> You can render the same in other part to get the same effect. Maybe there are other alternatives (create a custom component that do the previous is a more cleaner form.....), the previous one is ugly but works. regards Leonardo Uribe > > Thank you. >