Hi List,

we wanna use the Tomahawk selectManyListBox in our project. In this list we want to show person data. It is not only for view, you should be able to select some persons and delete them out of this list. Now we have the problem, hat this selectManyListBox takes selectItems as values. And when we now save the selected users in another list, we only can save them as strings.

Now my question. Is it possible to fill the selectmanylistbox with some other Object than selectitems and
how is it possible to get the selected data as these objects.

Here some code:

<tom:selectManyListbox id="assignedAdmins" binding="#{OeAdminDetailsController.assignedAdminsSelectList}" *value="#{OeAdminDetailsController.selectedAssignedAdmins}"* disabled="#{OeAdminDetailsController.singleSelected}" styleClass="selectableListBox"> <f:selectItems value="#{OeAdminDetailsController.registeredAdmins}"></f:selectItems>
Thx for suggestions

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