Since 2006, I'm using JSF/Facelets to write search frontend solutions on top
o FAST ESP, I could write many seach apps in a very small amount of time
with this amazing framework, Facelets helped a lot on view definition, we
have several reusable compositions, many of these compositions uses several
jsf core and tomahawk components, providing some search funcionalities, like
navigators (aka faceted seach), search results pagination, documents teasers
and etc. I'm using server side state saving.

Now I'm having a problem related with navigators, this composition shows a
list of commandlinks on the page, each of these links will perform a
drilldown on my search by a specific term, once a click on one of these
commandlinks the actionlisteners is triggered and a drilldown is performed
on my search returning a new list of command links to the user, now a little
smaller then previous list. If I click on back button I can get the original
list of commandlinks on the screen but if I click on another commandlink on
this list nothing no actionslistener is triggered, example:

(1) Consider the following list of links generated dinamically by a

Refine by 1
Refine by 2
Refine by 3
Refine by 4

(2) Now the user clicks on commandLink2:

Refine by 1
Refine by 2 (actionlistener triggered, replaced by outputText)
Refine by 3
Refine by 4

(3) Then the user clicks on back button and the page returns to the previous

Refine by 1
Refine by 2
Refine by 3
Refine by 4

(4) If the user clicks on the commandLink3 I'll get the following list:

Refine by 1
Refine by 2 (actionlistener isn't triggered, replaced by outputText)
Refine by 3 (actionlistener isn't triggered , replaced by outputText)
Refine by 4

(5) But I was expecting something like this:

Refine by 1
Refine by 2
Refine by 3 (actionlistener triggered, replaced by outputText)
Refine by 4

After few hours of debbuging I found the problem, when I click on the back
button, the previous state of this view should be restored (1) and the
actionlistener attached to commandlink should be called on next execution of
jsf lifecycle, instead of this, the current state of this view is always
restored (2) and no actionlistener gets called, a little different from what
I'm really looking for (5).

Thanks for any answer.


Rogério (_rogerio_)

[Blog: http://faces.eti.br]  [Sandbox: http://bmobile.dyndns.org]  [Twitter:

"Faça a diferença! Ajude o seu país a crescer, não retenha conhecimento,
distribua e aprenda mais."

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