Hi Johannes,

If you read the article again you will notice that there are 2 sections -

One section contains the steps for making myfaces work after removing the
Sun RI jar files and using Parent First.
The other section contains the steps for making myfaces work without
removing Sun RI jar files and then using Parent Last.

As i have mentioned earlier on that option of removing the Sun RI jar files
is not an option as we have a shared production environment and therefore we
cannot go for option one.


On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 9:15 PM, jhomuth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Hi Madhav,
> I don't know if I understand you wrong or you have make a mistake by
> reading the guide.
> There is provided you should use PARENT_FIRST and not PARENT_LAST
> (Websphere 6.0) as you have written. Or did you mean
> you used PARENT_LAST instead of PARENT_FIRST, and that didn't solve the
> problem??? If yes, then forget my mail!!
> - J
> Madhav Bhargava wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I am using Myfaces 1.1.5, tomahawk 1.1.5, struts-tiles, ajax4jsf on
>> Websphere 6.0 and i am running into an exception (stack trace is attached
>> with this mail)
>> I have already gone through the link
>> http://wiki.apache.org/myfaces/Websphere_Installation and done loads of
>> googling but nothing seems to resolve the problem.
>> Setting PARENT_LAST on Class Loader option at MODULE level does not solve
>> the problem. Webshere still picks up the Sun RI jars (jsf-api.jar and
>> ws-jsf.jar) that are bundled along with Websphere 6.0.
>> We cannot remove these jars because we have a shared production
>> environment and there are other applications that are using the RI
>> implementation instead of myfaces.
>> Any suggestions would greatly be appreciated. It is too late in the
>> project too move to facelets :(.
>> If this problem cannot be solved then please suggest some alternate
>> templating frameworks which will work well with JSF.
>> Regards,
>> Madhav
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