
This would go against the faces spec. Messages should be available for all phases of the lifecycle. Portals have a special case in that they have a dual-phased lifecycle where, generally, one expects these messages to be present for subsequent renders.

The only thing I could suggest is to maybe come up with other then a custom validator would be to write a custom FacesContext decorator that overrides either the getFacesMessages object or the AddMessage under certain conditions.

Additionally, I think if you set immediate="true" on the command button, the even should process before the validations do.


Andreas Niemeyer wrote:

I there a way to force a view reload after a process action was called?

In the view there is a commandButton with an action method. In that method a redirect with following context.responseComplete() is called. The redirect to a servlet works fine, a content type of application/pdf as the content type of the response brings up a "save as" dialog.

The problem I have is a previous custom generated FacesMessage which still stays displayed if the validation fails in that method. When the next time the validation is successful, the redirect will be done.

The reason is that the action is completed after the response and no page reload/refresh is triggered.

How can I do that?

My context is a portal with MyFacesGenericPortlet implementation. Maybe is this the place to refresh that page in some way?

I can't change the validation in that backing bean action method, since the view has 2 t:inputCalendar components and the validation covers the correctness of the dates in relation and if the fields are not null. Maybe a special validator could help as another solution?

Thank for help in advance.

Kind regards,

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