What is the motivation for setting a timeout for the context? Ultimately you
are interested in the deletion of beans in a conversation right? Can you not
achieve that by setting the timeouts on the conversations directly? Every
bean in a conversationContext is inside a conversation...

On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 11:40 AM, Steve Ronderos <steve.ronde...@ni.com>wrote:

> Hello Users,
> I've looked around for documentation on how to override the 30 minute time
> out default that is set for ConversationContext in Orchestra.
> I'm able to configure the Conversation timeout fine for both
> conversation.access and conversation.manual, but I have been unable to find
> the configuration for ConversationContexts.
> Does anyone know how I can configure this setting?
> Thanks,
> Steve Ronderos

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