HTML 4.01 says of the size attribute of the SELECT tag, Section 17.6, [ ],

*size =  <>*number* [CN]
**If a SELECT 
is presented as a scrolled list box, this attribute specifies the
number of rows in the list that should be visible at the same time. Visual
user agents are not required to present a SELECT element as a list box; they
may use any other mechanism, such as a drop-down menu**.
The problem is, some user agents such as Firefox 3 display any SELECT with a
size as a list box.  This is a problem because according to the tag
reference for h:selectOneMenu [ ],

*The SelectOneMenu tag renders an HTML "select" element with a "size" of 1
without the "multiple" attribute. This component is designed for situations
where you want to display a single-select list of options to the user in a
menu that displays one item at a time.*

So it is impossible to create a SELECT tag without a SIZE element in JSF.
Thus, it is impossible to create a drop down list / combo-box in HTML via
JSF on Firefox 3.  I know of no work-arounds to coax out a combo/ drop down
behavior out of a h:selectOneMenu.  I believe this is a defect in the JSF
spec, and I would appreciate any workarounds anyone could offer.

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