Leonardo Uribe schrieb:
> On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 4:46 AM, omid p <vermind...@gmail.com
> <mailto:vermind...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     I successfully use tomahawk but after i config trinidad in myproject
>     some of component
>     does not work correctly for example after i set action for
>     <h:commandLink action="#{beanName.method}" /> or
>     <h:commandButton action="#{beanName.method}" />
>     action never fired
> Hi
> Trinidad has its own renderkit that overrides original h:commandLink and
> h:commandButton. The problem seems to be on your configuration.

One thought occurs to me..

I presume trinidad overrides the tomahawk stuff by adding a definition
in its faces-config.xml file.

As far as I can remember, the following is true (please feel free to
correct me if I've got something wrong):

The order in which faces-config.xml files are processed by a JSF
implementation is not defined in the spec. There is an informal
agreement between Apache and Sun that we process them in alphabetical
order of the jarfile-name - which means that happily "tomahawk-*.jar"
will be processed before "trinidad-*.jar", and therefore trinidad
settings will override tomahawk.

But if the original poster is using an old or unusual JSF
implementation, or has renamed the jars for some reason then the order
of jarfile processing might be different. And if trinidad's jar is
processed *before* tomahawk's one then things will not work as expected.

omid: if you are using the MyFaces JSF implementation, then the logfiles
will contain information on which faces-config files are being processed
on startup (and in which order).


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