
i actually have a page which has three tables in it. I get data to table 1 from 
db which is very fast. Table 2 and table 3 should be populated from webservice 
calls. As the webservice calls are very slow it is taking a long time for the 
page to get loaded.So somebody suggested to load the page with table1 first and 
then using ajax populate the other two tables after the page loads without any 
user action..Hope u understood my reqmt..any help please? does myfaces give any 
component or can i use ajax with myfaces without any prob..this is my config 
(myfaces 1.1.6, tomahawk-1.1.8, tiles with jdk 1.4)

--- On Thu, 15/1/09, Madhav Bhargava <> wrote:

From: Madhav Bhargava <>
Subject: RE: Using Ajax with MyFaces
To: "MyFaces Discussion" <>, "" 
Date: Thursday, 15 January, 2009, 6:03 AM

Shashi wrote:

>Hi all,>  >I'm using myfaces 1.1.6, tomahawk-1.1.8, tiles with jdk 1.4.>I've a 
>page which has three data tables. I want the data in the two tables to be 
>populated after the page loads.Can i do it using AJAX. I am new to >AJAX. Or 
>is there any component in Sandbox for this requirement.>Already i'm facing lot 
>of problems cos i'm trying to use trinidad for breadcrumb which i could not 
>resolve yet. If i include rich faces now, I'm scared >I'll have 
>incompatibility issues. My aim is to populate one table(which is a web service 
>call) automatically after the page loads. That too without any >client 
>interaction. Please help as we have very less time for development. 
Your requirement is not clear. You can always pre-populate a backing bean which 
is associated to the page and then transfer control to that page.
Alternatively you can call a javascript on page load and then issue an AJAX 
submit. Put the data table in a4j:outputPanel. When the page is refreshed the 
data table will then have the data that you desire.

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