I try to open a new conversation context in a new browser window when navigating to another page. The backing bean of the new page is in flash scope. The old one is manual scope. But when I use the <o:separateConversationContext> tag around the form the new page opens the current page again.

Any ideas?


<rich:dataTable id="resultsTable" value="#{doctorAnalysisController.results}" var="info" rows="20">

                                <f:facet name="caption">
                                        <h:outputText value="Suchergebnisse" />

                                <rich:column sortBy="#{info.doctor.piaId}">
                                        <f:facet name="header">
                                                <h:outputText value="Nr." />

                                          action="doctorDetails" <!-- navigation 
to detail view -->
actionListener="#{contactHistory.addContactId}" <!-- this is a session scope utility bean -->
                                          target="_blank" >
                                          <f:attribute name="contactId" 
value="#{info.doctor.id}" />

<rich:datascroller align="left" id="resultsTableScroller" for="resultsTable" />


Dipl.-Ing. Bernd Winterstein
Softwarearchitektur & Entwicklung
Friedenstr. 8
40724 Hilden
Tel 02103 910800
Mobil 0171 6877230

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