I have the following component hierarchy (leaving out parts that are not

<tr:commandLink id="calcAll" action="#{backer.calcAll}"
<tr:panelGroupLayout partialTriggers="calc ::calcAll">
... results of calculation...
<tr:commandLink id="calc" action="#{backer.calc}" partialSubmit="true"/>

So, when I click the "calc" link (in a table row), the other column
(containing the panelGroupLayout) refreshes properly.  When I click the
"calcAll" link, the action works properly, but the panelGroupLayout does not
refresh.  I have tried it with 1, 2, and 3 colons preceding the trigger
'calcAll', but nothing seems to work.

As far as I can tell, the only naming container here is the <tr:table>.  So,
according to the docs, I should use 2 colons, e.g. "::calcAll":

<snip from the docs:>
If you need to go up and out of a naming container to get the trigger
component, start with two colons. (e.g.,
partialTriggers="::someComponentOutsideNamingContainer") This includes the
current component if the component is a NamingContainer. (e.g., tr:table
partialTriggers="::mySiblingComponent" pops out of the table to get to the

I can hide then show the table and the information refreshes correctly...

Any ideas why this isn't working?

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