Hi Nick,

I have an issue with the auto generated ids which is basically prefixed with the String "j_id_".
here is the link to the jira opened.


please vote.

On Apr 12, 2009, at 3:20 PM, Developer wrote:

Hi all,

Trinidad 1.2.11 is utterly broken (at least in this assumedly common setup) because it overwrites certain IDs by appending "j_id_1" to them. This breaks the PPR, which used to work impecably in Oracle ADF.

After more than 10 hours of investigation (!), by looking inside the Trinidad 1.2.11 source code and a lot of debugging and googling (where a similar issue is also reported, but unaddressed), I migrated to Trinidad 1.0.10, which works correctly on *exactly* the same setup, by not obliterating my IDs.

So here is my setup (I will not paste my entire project, because it is irrelevant, I am sure this is very easily reproduced by performing a similar setup):
Trinidad 1.2.11 over MyFaces-Core 1.2.6
Jetty 6.1.15
One JSPX page using JSP 2.0
One TAGX tag file, using JSP 2.0, which includes by means of jsp:doBody some content from the JSPX page Four or five levels of tr:panelGroupLayout, which include some tr:inputText and tr:selectOneChoice components with given IDs partialTriggers between some of the tr:panelGroupLayout components, which reference the same IDs I explicitly set There are *no* subviews or any other naming containers outside the toplevel f:view Surprisingly, when the number of panelGroupLayout levels varies, the PPR stops working with a message complaining about "cannot find component by ID...". Because what Trinidad 1.2 actually does is when it thinks a certain component renders its children repeatedly, e.g. tr:forEach, it starts appending "j_id_1", "j_id_2" a.s.o. to the given child ID. Which makes sense for a tr:forEach and maybe for some f:facet components, but not for a tr:panelGroupLayout component.

Looking at the Trinidad 1.2 source code it appears that it has some sort of algorithm for determining which component acts as a tr:forEach type of component, and if that is the case it starts appending the horrible "j_id_1" after any ID given to a child component.

So basically if I set the partialTriggers to use the ID followed by "j_id_1" everything works fine. There is no telling when this ID clobbering takes place, but it may have something to do with nested tr:panelGroupLayout and/or the fact that I am using a TAGX tag file.

I thought it was worth sharing this, since from my perspective it makes Trinindad 1.2 useless. I switched back to Trinidad 1.0 and everything works just fine. Quite disappointing though -- this should have been much better tested.

Of course, I can provide any details if the Trinidad developers are interested in fixing this issue.


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