
Tomahawk 1.2 provides a custom ViewHandler to make work Tiles with jsf 1.2.
The ViewHandler provided in tomahawk for jsf 1.1 does not work with myfaces
core 1.2.x (by some changes between jsf 1.1 and 1.2), so just try change
tomahawk version in your project.

If you checkout the code just try

mvn clean -Djsf=12 -Dtomahawk=12 jetty:run

to run myfaces-example-tiles project.


Leonardo Uribe

2009/4/27 Richard Yee <richard.k....@gmail.com>

> Shaun,
> From what I've heard, it is not recommended to use Tiles to template
> Faces pages. Facelets are the preferred method for templating.
> Perhaps some others on the list could confirm or refute this.
> -Richard
> On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 8:34 AM, Shaun Campbell
> <campbell.sh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Not sure whether this is a MyFaces problem or a Tiles problem but I'm
> > posting here just in case anyone can shed any light on it.
> >
> > I have a web application using MyFaces 1.2.6, Tiles 2.0.5 and Spring
> > 2.5.5.I'm running it through Netbeans and Tomcat 6.0.18.  I've
> > developed a small application with a tiles template and a few static
> > links which bring up my pages okay.  The issue is when I want to
> > navigate to another page from within the body section of the Tiles
> > template i.e. my jsp page.  The button or link does not seem to
> > respond to the action.  Waiting for localhost flashes briefly at the
> > bottom of the browser and nothing appears to happen. I can't see any
> > reference to any errors in the Tomcat log files.
> >
> > Just to prove that the code works I added some code to the working
> > myfaces-example-tiles-1.1.8 example web app and it works ok. I've
> > added the following code to my home.jsp:
> >
> > <h:form>
> >    <h:commandButton value="Test" action="test"/>
> > </h:form>
> >
> > I've put an entry in my faces-config.xml:
> >
> > <navigation-rule>
> >    <from-view-id>/home.jsp</from-view-id>
> >    <navigation-case>
> >        <from-outcome>test</from-outcome>
> >        <to-view-id>/jobs.jsp</to-view-id>
> >    </navigation-case>
> > </navigation-rule>
> >
> > I have the following entries in my tiles.xml:
> >
> >    <definition name="/home.tiles" extends="layout.example" >
> >        <put-attribute name="body" value="/home.jsp" />
> >    </definition>
> >    <definition name="/jobs.tiles" extends="layout.example" >
> >        <put-attribute name="body" value="/jobs.jsp" />
> >    </definition>
> >
> > Anybody got any thoughts on why this is not working?  I know it can
> > work because of the myfaces-example-tiles-1.1.8.  I've upgraded some
> > of my components so that I can integrate with Spring JDBC and I think
> > there may be some incompatibilty there.  Apart from this everything
> > else appears to be working fine but it's really frustrating because
> > I've been working on this for days now.
> >
> > Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
> >
> > Regards
> > Shaun
> >

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