Here is what I do clear the View.  After a selection is made and before
returning null run the code below and see if that helps.

        FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();

-----Original Message-----
From: Wolfgang Grabow [] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2009 7:46 AM
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: Re: How to show

Hi Justinas,

thx for that one - it works. :)

Does anyone has an idea about the other issue?

>2. Setting the paginatorActiveColumnStyle property of the t:dataTable
>I just can't get this one working. Whatever I set the value
>to (e.g. font-size: 40) the component just ignors it. Font bold
>works, but nothing else.

Furthermore I  managed to face another issue:

I'm using t:outputText in order to allow users to edit database
fields. Actually I have a master dataTable on which one the users
chooses the line to edit.

Under that I fill a couple of outputTexts and allow the user to edit
and to save them. The saving to the database works. But sadly the
outputTExts don't refresh properly.

Here's the malicious use case:

User selects Line
User edits line
User saves Line
User selects other line
--> Data in the outPutText persists - just not gets
--> checkboxes which are filled by the same code are
updated though

I've googled and tried with a converter - no success.

        Is this a bug in the implementation (unlikely, I know)...

                Thx for any support provided


Justinas schrieb:
> Wolfgang Grabow wrote:
>> Hi everybody,
>> I'm currently developing a JSF-based web application which
>> makes use of various faces tags. Actually I stummbled into
>> two strange issues which I was'nt able so solve by myself
>> and google. ;)
>> So here's what I experience:
>> 1. Using t:dataTable
>> For some reason data of the datatype date is shifted
>> by -1 day. I.e. I retrieve 02.01.2009 from the DB,
>> the data table displays 01.01.2009
>> I debugged it and verified that the data in the
>> resultset is correct. So it seems that the dataTable
>> component glitches up the date.
> there is a solution
> or better, somewhere in myfaces set your time zone.
> Justinas

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