The Apache MyFaces team is pleased to announce the release of MyFaces Core 1.2.7.

MyFaces Core is a JavaServer(tm) Faces 1.2 implementation as specified by JSR-252. MyFaces Core has passed Sun's JSR-252 TCK and is 100% compliant with the JSR-252 specification.

MyFaces Core 1.2.7 is available in both binary and source distributions.


MyFaces Core is also available in the central Maven repository under Group ID "org.apache.myfaces.core".

Release Notes - MyFaces Core - Version 1.2.7


   * [MYFACES-1761] - Handling PostConstruct annotations - wrong order
* [MYFACES-1841] - HtmlResponseWriterImpl.writeURIAttribute does not perform proper URLs encoding ( ex: & should be encoded in &amp)
   * [MYFACES-1879] - Problems with myfaces when java2 security is enabled
* [MYFACES-1891] - ClassCastException in converter when Hiding / Showing unselected selectOneRadio * [MYFACES-1975] - HtmlResponseStateManager.getSavedState() should handle javax.faces.ViewState="" * [MYFACES-2007] - Converters are not created properly when target class is both, an enum and implements an interface * [MYFACES-2013] - h:dataTable renders caption facet twice on ear projects * [MYFACES-2099] - Detection of empty selection in UISelectOne through RenderUtils.NOTHING is faulty * [MYFACES-2134] - org.apache.myfaces.CONFIG_REFRESH_PERIOD != 0 causes a myfaces failure * [MYFACES-2139] - h:messages don't use styleClass attribute when rendering
   * [MYFACES-2144] - <render-kit> parsing problem
   * [MYFACES-2149] - Stream not closed
   * [MYFACES-2155] - HtmlLinkRenderer did not recognize ankers (#)
   * [MYFACES-2161] - MyFaces-API issue: getValue of UIInput
* [MYFACES-2177] - ConvertDateTimeTag timeZone does not work with ValueExpression of return type String * [MYFACES-2214] - Cannot use custom error handler (param org.apache.myfaces.ERROR_HANDLER) due to bug in FacesServlet * [MYFACES-2232] - FacesConfig.getCurrentInstance and externalContext references should work before set application instance on facesContext init * [MYFACES-2233] - javax.faces.application.Application should check for default ApplicationImpl on methods added on 1.2 to enhance compatibility with existing jsf 1.1 apps as RI


   * [MYFACES-2156] - Performance improvement in HtmlRenderKitImpl
* [MYFACES-2234] - add org.apache.myfaces.DELEGATE_FACES_SERVLET param, to make possible use other custom servlet instead FacesServlet

New Feature

* [MYFACES-1902] - Allow to use different ExpressionFactory implementation


Leonardo Uribe

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