
We have a web application, using ACEGI-Security (new known as Spring 
Security). Lately we added MyFaces Orchestra form handling conversation 
scope, providing different application states in different browser windows on 
the same client. It works great, but there is some issue according security. 

When ACEGI-Security is used with 
org.acegisecurity.context.HttpSessionContextIntegrationFilter, authenticated 
principles are stored in the session context, using a SecurityContext 
instance. When working with conversation scope, we would like to authenticate 
users for one conversation only, not for the whole session. We tried this, 
implementing a filter using a conversation scope bean to store the 
SecurityContext in. So far it did not work, because of the sequence, the 
Filters are called. Changing this sequence gets pretty messy because
security has to be applied for all ressources of the application, and the 
conversation scope is only part of the javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet. So 
the good way to goo, is to ensure security first, before calling any other 
servlet/filter, isn't it?

Is there a proper way to integrate spring security on an conversation scope, 
provided by orchestra, so that one can login for each conversation 

best regards
Matthias Gerber

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