what errors ?

By when correctly using the <tr:document> it should (it does) generate
proper HTML

Question, the demo polling demo does not work on your server, but does
it work on jetty ?
(mvn jetty:run -PjettyConfig (on the trinidad-demo project))


On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 4:50 PM, Robin
Müller-Bady<bmuel...@ffm.tc.iot.dtag.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> in case i omit the <html> tag, i get errors about </head> and </html> tags.
> Also the poll does not work, but the fields get rendered.
> I tried to find a workaouround to be able to use jsp instead of jspx.
> But my problem is the same on the Apache MyFaces Trinidad Demo v.1.0.10, so
> i think the reason for the firefox-submit-dialogs is JSF 1.1 or the old
> version of Trinidad :(
> Best regards,
> Robin
> Max Starets schrieb:
>> Robin,
>> I do not understand how having the <html> tag helps you with setting the
>> content type...
>> <tr:document> will output the <html> tag even in Trinidad 1.0.10. When you
>> look at the generated
>> source (View->Source), do you see two html tags?
>> Max
>> Robin Müller-Bady wrote:
>>> Hey,
>>> i used this tag, because its not possible to use "<jsp:directive.page
>>> contentType="text/html;charset=utf-8"/>" in my project. So i decided to use
>>> the html-tag in order to get my project running.
>>> One important information is, that i need to use Apache MyFaces Trinidad
>>> 1.0.10 and JSF 1.1, because the application is deployed on a Websphere
>>> Application Server 6.1. Could this fact cause the problems ?
>>> I just deployed the Apache MyFaces Demo version 1.0.10 and in this
>>> version, the same problem occurs on
>>> /trinidad-demo-1.0.10/faces/components/poll.jspx. (Resend Diaog from
>>> Firefox)
>>> Isn´t it possible to fix this issue in JSF1.1 / Trinidad 1.0.10 ?
>>> Thanks in advance,
>>> Robin
>>> Max Starets schrieb:
>>>> Robin,
>>>> Are you saying that you are getting the standard browser dialog asking
>>>> whether data should be re-posted?
>>>> That would happen only if the page is being refreshed. Perhaps something
>>>> wrong is happening with the PPR request.
>>>> I see one problem in your page - the <html> tag should not be there.
>>>> <tr:document> renders its own <html> tag.
>>>> I would get rid of the <html> tag and re-test.
>>>> Max
>>>> Robin Müller-Bady wrote:
>>>>> Dear List,
>>>>> i have a problem with the <tr:poll> tag.
>>>>> I use it to update contents of a <tr:table> data.
>>>>> My problem is, that everytime i send an action to the server or submit
>>>>> the form, the poll repeats the previous action.
>>>>> In case i send the form and update the table, the poll starts to ask my
>>>>> whether i want to resend the data.
>>>>> Is it possible to use a poll for just 1 element ? (The table) I tried
>>>>> to do it with <tr:table partialTriggers="::chatPoll" ... > but this did 
>>>>> not
>>>>> work.
>>>>> Here´s my code:
>>>>> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
>>>>> <%-- jsf:pagecode language="java" location="/src/pagecode/Chat.java"
>>>>> --%><%-- /jsf:pagecode --%>
>>>>> <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
>>>>> pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1"%>
>>>>> <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core"; prefix="f"%>
>>>>> <%@ taglib uri="http://myfaces.apache.org/trinidad"; prefix="tr"%>
>>>>> <%@ taglib uri="http://myfaces.apache.org/trinidad/html"; prefix="trh"%>
>>>>> <html>
>>>>> <f:view>
>>>>> <tr:document id="doc1" title="Chat mit #{chatuserbean.displayName}">
>>>>> <tr:form id="form1" defaultCommand="sendButton">
>>>>> <tr:panelPage id="panelPage">
>>>>> <tr:table id="chattable" width="100%" emptyText="No messages sent"
>>>>> partialTriggers="::chatPoll"
>>>>> value="#{chatuserbean.historyListFromChatPartner}" var="chat">
>>>>> <tr:column headerText="Sender">
>>>>> <tr:outputText value="#{chat.messageSender}" />
>>>>> </tr:column>
>>>>> <tr:column headerText="Message">
>>>>> <tr:outputText value="#{chat.message}" />
>>>>> </tr:column>
>>>>> </tr:table>
>>>>> <tr:panelFormLayout>
>>>>> <tr:inputText value="#{messagebean.message}" />
>>>>> <f:facet name="footer">
>>>>> <tr:panelButtonBar>
>>>>> <tr:commandButton text="Send" id="sendButton"
>>>>> action="#{messageaction.doSendMessage}" />
>>>>> </tr:panelButtonBar>
>>>>> </f:facet>
>>>>> </tr:panelFormLayout>
>>>>> </tr:panelPage>
>>>>> <tr:poll id="chatPoll" interval="2000" immediate="true" />
>>>>> </tr:form>
>>>>> </tr:document>
>>>>> </f:view>
>>>>> </html>
>>>>> Thanks in advance !
>>>>> Robin

Matthias Wessendorf

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