Are you using the correct URL to access the JSF page? What are all of
the libraries and the versions that you are including with your
application? Are you including a JSF library (RI or MyFaces) and all
of their dependencies? Which version of Glassfish are you using?
I've used Tomahawk on a Glassfish v2 server and it works fine.


On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 7:27 AM, Steve
Colombié<> wrote:
> Thank you for your response.
> No, there is no exception, no error in Glassfish logs, just the error 503.
> All I can say is that if I remove the library, pages which don't use
> Tomahawk work.
> Steve Colombié.
>> Are there any more information you could give us regarding
>> this problem? Are there any exceptions that are thrown?
>> "error 503" doesn't provide much information for isolating
>> the problem.
>> Christian
>> On Friday 31 July 2009 11:30:03 Steve Colombié wrote:
>>> Hello everybody,
>>> I'm trying to install Tomahawk, but it always gives me a server error.
>>> I'm using Netbeans 6.5, JSF 1.2 (Sun implementation) and Glassfish V2.
>>> I've followed the Setup Guide :
>>> - Add the tomahawk.jar library to the WEB-INF/lib directory
>>> - Configure the filtrer in web.xml
>>> - Add the the taglib to my pages when I use Tomahawk components
>>> But when I browse any page of my application (even those which don't use
>>> Tomahawk components), it gives me a "error 503".
>>> Does anybody have any hint about this ?
>>> Thanks in advance,
>>> Steve Colombié.

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