Hey Jim, There is a property org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.UPLOAD_MAX_DISK_SPACE that you need to specify in your web.xml. This is the max allowable disk space for your file. If you go beyond that, it will throw an exception from its filter. The default is 5120000 (5000 KB).
Anuj Patel Software Engineer MedicAlert Foundation 209 669 2467 www.medicalert.org Protect our planet. Consider the environment before you print this email. -----Original Message----- From: Jim the Standing Bear [mailto:standingb...@gmail.com] Sent: Friday, October 02, 2009 2:15 PM To: MyFaces Discussion Subject: is there an absolute max file upload size? Hello, I am wondering if there is an absolute max file upload size that if the file I want to upload exceeds that size, it won't work even if the maxFileUploadSize in web.xml is set much higher? If so, what is it? Because I am trying to upload a 3GB file using the inputFileUpload control, and web.xml has set the maxFileUploadSize to 5g. But nothing happens after I clicked the submit button - it didn't even attempt to upload the file. Normally if I am trying to upload a file that exceeds the max size, it will take some time to suck the bitstream to the server and then rerender the page; but in my situation, it seemed to simply give up without even sucking the bitstream first. Any help would be appreciated. -- Jim