Hi Søren,

I've checked the upload and can't find problems. The reference/upload.jsp file in the demo is not full functional yet. So I added some stuff. You may apply these changes on tobago-example-demo on your system and look if it works fine or at any differences.

Hope that helps.



     <tx:file label="Upload file:" value="#{upload.file}" />
<tc:button label="Submit" defaultCommand="true" action="#{upload.upload}" />


Upload.java (new)
package org.apache.myfaces.tobago.example.reference;

import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

public class Upload {

 private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(Upload.class);

 private FileItem file;

 public String upload() {
   LOG.info("type=" + file.getContentType());
   LOG.info("file=" + file.get().length);
   LOG.info("name=" + file.getName());
   return null;

 public FileItem getFile() {
   return file;

 public void setFile(FileItem file) {
   this.file = file;

Søren Hjarlvig schrieb:

I'm attempting to use the tc:file / tx:file control to upload a file.
But when I click the button responsible for submitting the page the associated action is not invoked, the page is refreshed and showed without any styles (!?).
Without the tx:file-tag everything works fine.

<tx:file value="#{controller.fileItem}" required="false" label="Upload file" />
<tc:button action="#{controller.save}" label="Save"/>

I have added the following to my web.xml:

<description>Set the size limit for uploaded files...</description>
<description>Set the upload repository path for uploaded files. Default value is java.io.tmpdir.</description>

There are no errors or warnings, the debug log says:
DEBUG 21 okt 16:38:30 org.apache.myfaces.tobago.webapp.TobagoMultipartFormdataFilter - Wrapping org.apache.catalina.connector.RequestFacade with ContentType="multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------209722283024901" into TobagoMultipartFormdataRequest
DEBUG 21 okt 16:38:30 org.apache.myfaces.tobago.renderkit.html.scarborough.standard.tag.FileRenderer - Uploaded file name : "image001.gif" size = 5558

I'm using Tobago 1.0.23 / MyFaces 1.1.6 / Tomcat 6.0.20 / Java 6u15.

I hope someone can provide a hint. Thanks.

Best regards


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