
I'm having problems when I try to submit a form and one of the input
elements has a validator that uses LocaleElements javascript (In my
particular case the *LocaleElements_es1_2_12.js*) The script is included in
the page
(src="/test/adf/jsLibs/resources/LocaleElements_es1_2_12.js?loc=es") but the
resource is not available (if you try to load the js in the web page it
displays an error). The other js resources, such as *Common1_2_12.js*, are

If I change the locale I have the same problem.

I'm using Facelets 1.1.15 , Seam 2.2, Trinidad 1.2.12 and MyFaces 1.2.8 and
this is my *web.xml* (

I appreciate the help. Thnx.

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