
we were having the same problem some time ago. We added a filter to our
webapp that checks for the type of request and change the encoding properly.
This is, you can call CoreRenderKit.isAjaxRequest(externalContext) to check
if it is a PPR request and in that case, you can force the encoding to be
UTF-8, avoiding the wrong conversion.


-- Rafa

On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 12:38 PM, Cédric Durmont <cdurm...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks for the answer. So Trinidad is fine, which is good news, but I
> have to find another explanation as why it fails on my app. If I'm not
> mistaking, the browser should make the conversion on-the-fly before
> putting the new content into the page. But it does dot, and I have  ©
> characters, meaning that those are utf8 chars interpreted as
> windows-1252.
> About the reason that I am using win1252 instead of utf-8 : I'd be
> glad to hear that it's not totally "unavoidable".
> We're developping a new application that will come as a complement of
> our older ones. One prerequisite is to re-use some database tables
> (say, customers, cities/countries, and the likes). The database used
> is... Oracle 10 XE (yeah, I know, don't get me started), which has no
> i18n support, and only knows windows-1252.
> I'm not the Master of Charset Encoding, especially when it comes to
> databases, but I was told that in this special case, I cannot instruct
> the Oracle server that I'm a utf8-speaking client, so I have to use
> the default, which is windows-1252.
> I'd take ANY solution to this problem, as far as it doesn't break the
> compatibility with the other apps using the same database. If there's
> a way to have xmhHttpRequest responses correctly displayed as
> windows1252, then I'm fine. If I can instead keep utf8 and still use
> the existing databases as-is, it'll make my day :o)
> Again, thanks for answering me
> Regards,
> Cedric Durmont
> 2010/2/11 Andrew Robinson <andrew.rw.robin...@gmail.com>:
> > According to the W3C specification, XML http responses should always
> > use UTF-8 encoding (requests too actually)
> > http://www.w3.org/TR/XMLHttpRequest/
> >
> > "Authors are strongly encouraged to encode their resources using UTF-8"
> >
> > http://erik.eae.net/archives/2005/05/27/18.55.22/:
> > "UTF-8 is the standard encoding for XML files, so it MSXML probably
> > assumes that all files have that encoding if none is set."
> >
> > http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/WD-XMLHttpRequest-20060405/
> > "responseText of type DOMString
> > If the readyState attribute has a value other than 3 (Receiving) or 4
> > (Loaded), it must be the empty string. Otherwise, it must be the the
> > body of the data received so far, interpreted using the character
> > encoding specified in the response, or UTF-8 if no character encoding
> > was specified. Invalid bytes must be converted to U+FFFD REPLACEMENT
> > "If the method is POST or PUT, then the data passed to the send()
> > method must be used for the entity body. If data is a string, the data
> > must be encoded as UTF-8 for transmission. If the data is a Document,
> > then the document must be serialised using the encoding given by
> > data.xmlEncoding, if specified, or UTF-8 otherwise [DOM3]. If data is
> > not a Document or a DOMString the host language must use the
> > stringification mechanisms on the argument that was passed."
> >
> > Basically from what I have seen in the google results, UTF-8 is the
> > XML standard and browsers are expecting AJAX to use UTF-8 for both
> > request and responses. It appears that Trinidad is honoring these
> > guidelines by forcing UTF-8 for XML responses (and other responses,
> > like file-download)
> >
> > My question is why you are using windows-1252 encoding? What is the
> > "unavoidable reason"?
> >
> > -Andrew
> >
> >
> > On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 6:07 AM, Cédric Durmont <cdurm...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >> Hi there,
> >>
> >> I was wondering : what's the reason why XmlHttpServletResponse forces
> >> the response to UTF-8, explicitly ignoring the page's encoding ?
> >> I had a project in utf-8 that ran just fine (even with all accents and
> >> fancy stuff we have here in France), but I have to switch it to
> >> windows-1252 for some unavoidable reason. Everything has been
> >> converted to windows-1252, including the filter I use to force
> >> encoding in http requests. The only non-working things are PPR calls.
> >>
> >> I tracked modifications of http Response objects down to
> >> XmlHttpServletResponse :
> >>
> >> ..
> >>   _contentType = "text/xml;charset=utf-8";
> >> ..
> >>
> >> So, did I miss something, or PPR actually only works for iso8859-1 /
> >> utf-8 apps ?
> >>
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >> Cedric Durmont
> >>
> >

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