Hi Matthias,

yep, .JS are in there... but *inside you have this (1.0.12):*

*var LocaleSymbols_en = new LocaleSymbols({

number must be between {2} and {3}.',
number is too high.',
a number less than or equal to {0}.',
a date between {0} and {1}.',
date must be on or before {2}.',
number must be less than or equal to {2}.',
percentage is not in the correct format.',
'javax.faces.validator.LongRangeValidator.MAXIMUM_detail':'The number
must be less than or equal to {2}.',
'org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.UPLOAD':'The file is too large.',
model type.',
number is too high.',
are too many characters.',
a date on or before {0}.',
number is not a whole number.',
value is not a number.',
a value that matches this pattern: {2}',
format: {0}',
{2} or more characters, up to a maximum of {3}.',
number is not a whole number.',
'org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.UPLOAD_detail':'The file could not be
uploaded because it is too large.',
format is incorrect.',
'org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.convert.ALERT_FORMAT_detail':'{0} - {1}',
'javax.faces.validator.LongRangeValidator.MINIMUM':'The number is too low.',
date is not valid.',
number of characters is out of range.',
a date and time in the same format as this example: {2}',
value must be a number.',
format: {0}',
format of the number must match this pattern: {2}',
time is not in the correct format.',
a percentage in the same format as this example: {2}',
number must be less than or equal to {2}.',
number is not a whole number.',
in this month are not valid.',
number must be less than or equal to {2}.',
must select a row.',
value must be a number.',
number must be greater than or equal to {2}.',
number is too low.',
'org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.UIXSelectOne.REQUIRED_detail':'You must
make at least one selection.',
date must be between {2} and {3}.',
file upload error has occurred, please verify your upload data and
file name.',
number must be less than or equal to {2}.',
format: {0}',
currency format is incorrect.',
format is incorrect.',
{0} characters.',
between {0} and {1} characters.',
are too few characters.',
number of characters is incorrect.',
'javax.faces.validator.LongRangeValidator.MAXIMUM':'The number is too high.',
{2} or fewer characters, not more.',
must select one or more rows.',
day of the week for this date is not valid.',
date and time is in not the correct format.',
a whole number.',
file was not downloaded or was not downloaded correctly.',
{0} or more characters.',
number is too low.',
'org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.UIXSelectOne.REQUIRED':'A selection is required.',
'org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.UIXTableSelectOne.REQUIRED':'A row
selection is required.',
error occurred downloading the file.',
number is not a whole number.',
number is too low.',
must enter a value.',
value is not a number.',
date is before the valid range.',
number is too high.',
number is too high.',
date is outside the valid range.',
'org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.UIXSelectMany.REQUIRED_detail':'You must
make at least one selection.',
does not support a model of type {0}.',
a date that falls on one of the following days: {0}',
a color in the same format as this example: {2}.',
number must be greater than or equal to {2}.',
a whole number.',
a date that is on one of the following days: {2}',
number must be greater than or equal to {2}.',
a date from one of the following months: {0}',
number must be between {2} and {3}.',
a date in the same format as this example: {2}',
number is too low.',
{2} or more characters, not fewer.',
{0} or fewer characters.',
a value that is not more than {2} bytes long.',
date must be on or after {2}.',
number must be less than or equal to {2}.',
value must match this pattern: {2}',
number is too low.',
'org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.convert.ALERT_FORMAT':'{0} - {1}',
a whole number.',
value must be a number.',
'org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.UIXSelectMany.REQUIRED':'A selection is required.',
number is out of range.',
date is after the valid range.',
'javax.faces.validator.LongRangeValidator.MINIMUM_detail':'The number
must be greater than or equal to {2}.',
'javax.faces.LongRange':'The number is not a whole number.',
a number between {0} and {1}.',
number is outside the valid range.',
'org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.UIXEditableValue.REQUIRED':'A value is required.',
value is too long.',
a number greater than or equal to {0}.',
number must be greater than or equal to {2}.',
exactly {2} characters.',
one of the valid dates.',
a date in one of the following months: {2}',
number must be greater than or equal to {2}.',
number is too high.',
number is too high.',
number must be less than or equal to {2}.',
value is not a number.',
date is not in the correct format.',
a date on or after {0}.',
number is too low.',
a time in the same format as this example: {2}',
'org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.UIXEditableValue.CONVERSION':'The value
is not the in correct format.',
'javax.faces.LongRange_detail':'Enter a whole number.',
'org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.UIXTableSelectMany.REQUIRED':'A row
selection is required.',
error occurred uploading the file.',
a currency in the same format as this example: {2}',
color is not in the correct format.',
a whole number.',
number must be greater than or equal to {2}.'

*instead of this (1.0.11):

*var LocaleSymbols_en = new LocaleSymbols({
MonthNames:["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",
"July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December", ""],
MonthAbbreviations:["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul",
"Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec", ""],
DayNames:["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday",
"Friday", "Saturday"],
DayAbbreviations:["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"],
AmPmMarkers:["AM", "PM"],
Eras:["BC", "AD"],
DateTimePatterns:["h:mm:ss a z", "h:mm:ss a z", "h:mm:ss a", "h:mm a",
"EEEE, MMMM d, yyyy", "MMMM d, yyyy", "MMM d, yyyy", "M/d/yy", "{1}
DateTimeElements:["1", "1"],
NumberElements:[".", ",", ";", "%", "0", "#", "-", "E", "\u2030",
"\u221e", "\ufffd"],
CurrencyElements:["\xa4", "XXX", "\xa4", "", "-\xa4", ""]

number must be between {2} and {3}.',
number is too high.',
a number less than or equal to {0}.',
a date between {0} and {1}.',
date must be on or before {2}.',
number must be less than or equal to {2}.',
percentage is not in the correct format.',
'javax.faces.validator.LongRangeValidator.MAXIMUM_detail':'The number
must be less than or equal to {2}.',
'org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.UPLOAD':'The file is too large.',
model type.',
number is too high.',
are too many characters.',
a date on or before {0}.',
number is not a whole number.',
value is not a number.',
a value that matches this pattern: {2}',
format: {0}',
{2} or more characters, up to a maximum of {3}.',
number is not a whole number.',
'org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.UPLOAD_detail':'The file could not be
uploaded because it is too large.',
format is incorrect.',
'org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.convert.ALERT_FORMAT_detail':'{0} - {1}',
'javax.faces.validator.LongRangeValidator.MINIMUM':'The number is too low.',
date is not valid.',
number of characters is out of range.',
a date and time in the same format as this example: {2}',
value must be a number.',
format: {0}',
format of the number must match this pattern: {2}',
time is not in the correct format.',
a percentage in the same format as this example: {2}',
number must be less than or equal to {2}.',
number is not a whole number.',
in this month are not valid.',
number must be less than or equal to {2}.',
must select a row.',
value must be a number.',
number must be greater than or equal to {2}.',
number is too low.',
'org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.UIXSelectOne.REQUIRED_detail':'You must
make at least one selection.',
date must be between {2} and {3}.',
file upload error has occurred, please verify your upload data and
file name.',
number must be less than or equal to {2}.',
format: {0}',
currency format is incorrect.',
format is incorrect.',
{0} characters.',
between {0} and {1} characters.',
are too few characters.',
number of characters is incorrect.',
'javax.faces.validator.LongRangeValidator.MAXIMUM':'The number is too high.',
{2} or fewer characters, not more.',
must select one or more rows.',
day of the week for this date is not valid.',
date and time is in not the correct format.',
a whole number.',
file was not downloaded or was not downloaded correctly.',
{0} or more characters.',
number is too low.',
'org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.UIXSelectOne.REQUIRED':'A selection is required.',
'org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.UIXTableSelectOne.REQUIRED':'A row
selection is required.',
error occurred downloading the file.',
number is not a whole number.',
number is too low.',
must enter a value.',
value is not a number.',
date is before the valid range.',
number is too high.',
number is too high.',
date is outside the valid range.',
'org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.UIXSelectMany.REQUIRED_detail':'You must
make at least one selection.',
does not support a model of type {0}.',
a date that falls on one of the following days: {0}',
a color in the same format as this example: {2}.',
number must be greater than or equal to {2}.',
a whole number.',
a date that is on one of the following days: {2}',
number must be greater than or equal to {2}.',
a date from one of the following months: {0}',
number must be between {2} and {3}.',
a date in the same format as this example: {2}',
number is too low.',
{2} or more characters, not fewer.',
{0} or fewer characters.',
a value that is not more than {2} bytes long.',
date must be on or after {2}.',
number must be less than or equal to {2}.',
value must match this pattern: {2}',
number is too low.',
'org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.convert.ALERT_FORMAT':'{0} - {1}',
a whole number.',
value must be a number.',
'org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.UIXSelectMany.REQUIRED':'A selection is required.',
number is out of range.',
date is after the valid range.',
'javax.faces.validator.LongRangeValidator.MINIMUM_detail':'The number
must be greater than or equal to {2}.',
'javax.faces.LongRange':'The number is not a whole number.',
a number between {0} and {1}.',
number is outside the valid range.',
'org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.UIXEditableValue.REQUIRED':'A value is required.',
value is too long.',
a number greater than or equal to {0}.',
number must be greater than or equal to {2}.',
exactly {2} characters.',
one of the valid dates.',
a date in one of the following months: {2}',
number must be greater than or equal to {2}.',
number is too high.',
number is too high.',
number must be less than or equal to {2}.',
value is not a number.',
date is not in the correct format.',
a date on or after {0}.',
number is too low.',
a time in the same format as this example: {2}',
'org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.UIXEditableValue.CONVERSION':'The value
is not the in correct format.',
'javax.faces.LongRange_detail':'Enter a whole number.',
'org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.UIXTableSelectMany.REQUIRED':'A row
selection is required.',
error occurred uploading the file.',
a currency in the same format as this example: {2}',
color is not in the correct format.',
a whole number.',
number must be greater than or equal to {2}.'


-- Rafa

On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 6:15 PM, Matthias Wessendorf <mat...@apache.org>wrote:

> Hey,
> I just launched demo, all fine. JS in there, e.g:
> http://localhost:8080/trinidad-demo/adf/jsLibs/resources/LocaleElements_en1_0_11.js?loc=en
> however, the only "problem" is the invalid version. Will fix that ;-)
> -Matthias
> 2010/2/23 Rafa Pérez <raja...@gmail.com>:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > we have been having some problems with PPR since last update of Trinidad.
> > Today, we have seen that Locale*.js files are empty and this is causing
> our
> > problem. I think there have been some problems with packaging but, how is
> it
> > possible that no one took care of this??
> > I think Trinidad 1.0.x is being taking apart smoothly...
> >
> > Will it be a 1.0.13 release soon to fix this problem?
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > -- Rafa
> >
> --
> Matthias Wessendorf
> blog: http://matthiaswessendorf.wordpress.com/
> sessions: http://www.slideshare.net/mwessendorf
> twitter: http://twitter.com/mwessendorf

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