Hi Jozef,

I don't have any experience with Opera. (I don't even have it installed...)
So I cannot help you on this. But I can give you some clues...

- The charts are rendered with SVG and JavaScript. So you should check if
Opera can render SVG. Perhaps you'll need some plugin?
- The date picker: perhaps Opera has a built-in popup blocker that blocks
the date picker popup? To prevent this, you can use Trinidad's "lightweigt
dialogs", see [1].

Best regards,


On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 14:51, Jozef Dropco <jozef.dro...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello again,
> I did not mention that, this does not work also in examples on
> http://test.codebeat.ro/trinidad-components-demo/component-demo/chart-Default.
> Could somebody say something to it, its a bug?
> Thanks
> Jozef
> On 10.3.2010 13:57, Jozef Dropco wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I dont know why it doesnt work but, i have opera 10.5 and it does not
>> work. If I open my page in Firefox everything is fine, but in opera
>> chooseDate is not rendered at all and chart loads something but never stops.
>> What is wrong here I cant understand it.
>> Thanks Jozef
>> Conf: Facelets 1.1.14, trinidad:1.2.13, Glassfish (and same on tomcat)

Bart Kummel

Author of the book "Apache MyFaces 1.2 Web Application Development"
See http://tinyurl.com/am12wad

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