
In my fancy little webapp I am using Primefaces dataTable in lazy mode such
as in this example[1], and I want to use it with MyFaces 2. However there
seems to be a bug and the component decoding is not invoked, so if you
navigate to another page of the table the row index does not change.

It can be reproduced just getting the primefaces showcase examples:

svn co http://primefaces.googlecode.com/svn/examples/trunk/prime-showcase

Then replacing the MyFaces 2 dependencies in the profile to the latest (it
does not work either with Myfaces 2.0.0-beta or beta2). And run the showcase

mvn jetty:run-exploded -Pmyfaces-2.0

If you modify slightly the dataTable example so it shows the first result in
one column (by modifying the TableBean class), you will see it is always 0.

A debugging session shows that the decode for dataTable renderer is never
invoked. I am a bit rusty with all this, does any one have an idea what may
be happening or what could I look to pinpoint the problem?



[1] http://www.primefaces.org:8080/prime-showcase/ui/datatableLazy.jsf

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