
Do I understand that if I use the DEACTIVATE_COMPONENT_
> value true I do disable the JSF validation at all in favor of the ExtVal
> validation?

The other way around.  With that parameter set to true, ExtVal doesn't touch
the 'classic' attributes of the components in the tree like required and
maxLength.  So JSF validation runs unaltered, after the ExtVal validation.

But it is much better and easier to go ExtVal all the way.  If you have
custom JSF validators written, you can reuse them with the @Validator

About the properties file, I'll try to recreate the situation and try to
find a solution.


On 16 April 2010 14:52, Johan.borchers <> wrote:

> Hello Rudy and others.
> Thanks for the answers .
> Q1
> Disappearing of the field value with JSF validation only appears if I
> first submit the form with 3 invalid fields and the JSF validation is
> triggered. After that the field is not updated anymore by selecting a row
> from the list. Only after pushing the refresh button of the browser
> restores the normal behavior. Maybe it's also something of RichFaces
> because clicking on the list an refreshing the detail panel is done by
> But if you say just go all the way with ExtVal than the problem will
> disappear.
> Oke if I do understand, the required attribute of JSF is never working
> because Extval overrides it.
> The other JSF validators should do their work but it's better to go all
> the way with Extval.
> Do I understand that if I use the DEACTIVATE_COMPONENT_INITIALIZATION with
> value true I do disable the JSF validation at all in favor of the ExtVal
> validation?
> Q2
> My file is my dutch replacement of the standard
> files delivered by Mojarra. I put this file in
> the default package (root) of my webapp classes.
> In the faces-config.xml file I have the following elements:
>  <locale-config>
>   <default-locale>nl_NL</default-locale>
>  </locale-config>
> and
>  <message-bundle>Messages</message-bundle>
> If I put the ExtVal libraries in the Tomcat lib directory Extval can't
> find the resource bundle.
> Even if I try to use the CUSTOM_MESSAGE_BUNDLE context-param to point to
> the messages bundle.
> After putting the ExtVal libraries in WEB-INF/lib my dutch messages are
> loaded even without setting the CUSTOM_MESSAGE_BUNDLE context-param.
> At this moment I'm not able to show this app in the internet.
> But it's a good idea to work on that because looking at the app is
> sometimes better than 1000 words.
> Regards Johan
> >Hi Johan,
> >
> >Q1
> >Yes, you can combine the JSF validation with ExtVal, like you already
> >found
> >out since you got 3 messages, 2 of extval and one of JSF.
> >Although, the idea is that you do everything with ExtVal.  You can use
> >@Length as a replacement for the f:validateLength tag.
> >
> >Except for the required attribute of the components. This required
> >attribute
> >is overwritten by the ExtVal code based on the annotations it find on the
> >property. (so when no annotations set, attribute shouldn't be altered)
> >
> >You can deactivate that behaviour by specifying the web context parameter
> >    <context-param>
> >
> ><param-name>org.apache.myfaces.extensions.validator.DEACTIVATE_COMPONENT_INITIALIZATION</param-name>
> >        <param-value>true</param-value>
> >    </context-param>
> >
> >You also loose then some functionality related to the validation of empty
> >fields (like specified in the JSF 2.0 spec for example
> >
> >The parameter can be of help about the problem of the value that
> >disappears.
> >I can't see any reason why the f:validateLength tag impacts the display of
> >the field value.  By using the web context parameter, we make sure the
> >annotation based bypass validation add-on can't interfere with the
> >encoding
> >of the page (and thus preventing the display of the field)
> >
> >I tried to recreate you problem with that but had no luck.
> >
> >Q2
> >This could be a classloading problem of Tomcat.
> >Which of the parameters in web.xml did you try,
> >
> >But you also say that, when ExtVal Libraries placed in WEB-INF/lib you
> >don't
> >need to specify any parameter and all messages are displayed correctly.
> >So
> >which messages have you placed in the properties file that are related to
> >ExtVal.
> >
> >Regards
> >Rudy.
> >
> >On 16 April 2010 08:52, Johan Borchers <> wrote:
> >
> >> Hello,
> >>
> >> I'm using Tomcat 6.0.20, Mojarra 1.2_14, RichFaces 3.3.3 and Extval
> >> 1.2.3
> >> on Mac en Windows with Java 1.6.0_17
> >> The Extval libs are:
> >> extval-annotation-based-bypass-validation-1.2.3.jar
> >> myfaces-extval-core-1.2.3.jar
> >> myfaces-extval-generic-support-1.2.3.jar
> >> myfaces-extval-property-validation-1.2.3.jar
> >>
> >> Extval is helping me al lot with bypass-validation because of fields in
> >> a
> >> form that perform looking up values.
> >> E.g. a manufacturer code field is required in the big picture. But the
> >> field is also performing an AJAX lookup of the manufacturer as you leave
> >> the
> >> field. At that moment it is legal to leave the field blank because you
> >> are
> >> just tabbing through your fields. So marking the lookup method with
> >> @BypassValidation(all = true) works perfect.
> >>
> >> Question 1 :
> >> Is it possible to use also the normal validation mechanism of JSF in
> >> combination with Extval?
> >>
> >> E.g I have 3 fields on a form with 2 fields having Extval @required
> >> validation and one field has the traditional validation property
> >> required="true" in the XHTML page.
> >> Sending the form with 3 blank fields gives me 2 faces messages back.
> >> Only
> >> the messages due to Extval validation.
> >> So for me it looks like Extval is disabling the JSF validation defined
> >> in
> >> the XHTML page.
> >>
> >> A little bit more strange is the behavior of the one field without
> >> Extval
> >> validation if I'm adding a validation to the field like
> >> <f:validateLength
> >> minimum="2" maximum="10"/>
> >> If I send the form with one character in the field and the 2 other
> >> fields
> >> are left blank I receive 3 faces messages (that's nice).
> >> And then after retrieving the records from the database showing up in a
> >> list clicking on the list fills normally all three fields in the form,
> >> but
> >> with the f:validateLength the field is left blank.
> >> Removing the f:validateLength from the field gives be back the normal
> >> behavior showing the data from the database.
> >>
> >>
> >> Question 2 :
> >> Where to place the Extval libraries?
> >>
> >> For developing I'm using 1 Tomcat installation per project. I do add all
> >> the libraries to the lib directory of Tomcat. Placing also the Extval
> >> libraries to this directory has a little problem.
> >> If i'm setting my locale to nl_NL and have a
> >> in
> >> my root package Mojarra will find it and Extval not. I do get the
> >> missing
> >> resource exception.
> >> Even using the special parameter in web.xml giving a hint to Extval
> >> finding
> >> the message bundle does not help.
> >> But I thought that has something to to with the classloader. I decided
> >> to
> >> place just the Extval libraries in the WEB-INF/lib directory. After that
> >> Extval is finding my locale specific message bundle perfectly even
> >> without
> >> the hint in web.xml.
> >> I know it is better to place all third party libs in WEB-INF/lib as of
> >> class loading but during development redeploying the web app a lot of
> >> times
> >> gives problems with e.g. reloading Mojarra.
> >>
> >>
> >> So that's a lot of text for few questions!
> >>
> >> I want to use Extval because of the flexible validation options. I hope
> >> someone can answer my questions so I will better understand how to use
> >> Extval?
> >>
> >> T.I.A.
> >>
> >> Johan Borchers

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