Ok thanks I just got the impression due to not having any feedback, that no one was really interested. I also had somewhat of a bad morning :-)

Guess silence is not always an indicator that no one is interested.

Am 22.04.10 11:05, schrieb Rudy De Busscher:
Not true,  but 24h is not much time to try something and especially when you
have to do almost everything outside the working hours.

Already a few things/questions.
- on the configentries page you say : "The scripting filter for further
information look below" but there is no below.

I will fix that, sorry for it, and thanks I really missed that in the docs.

- on the exampleconfig page there is an example for the LOADER_PATHS
parameter with absolute path location.  But how about multiple development
teams then (path is developer specific)?

Ok there are two options, first you could use for instance maven profiles to handle that (just like I do with my own mvn files -Pdevelopment pushes in my internal development web.xml)

Or you can use the relative path option we have via not setting anything for the sources than WEB-INF/java or WEB-INF/groovy will be picked up as auto defaults.

Maybe a third option post 1.0 via environment settings might be a viable one.

And what about deployment to
production? or is that LOADER_PATHS only meaning full for rapid prototyping.
- Should there be an example how you convert the groovy files to Java class
files (like you mention somewhere when prototyping is done )

Well you can use maven or another build file again for it, I might add an example (I am doing something similar in the core module, but I will add the info to do it via maven asap). I think this is a good information for the users and needs to be added.

- (not related to doc) Why is groovy version of examples different then
core.  mvn install pulls 2 groovy jars from Internet.

Bug, will fix that before 1.0 :-)

Just created an issue so that it does not get lost:


When I have more time the following days, I'll look a bit more into it.


Thanks a lot your suggestions have been a tremendous help. Thats exactly what I need, because I might have missed vital infos due to
working on my own project.

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