Never mind.   The missing piece was a4j:region.   This is the
replacement for t:subform.

On Fri, May 28, 2010 at 9:50 AM, Mike Kienenberger <> wrote:
> So I have this page that I've had working with tomahawk subforms for awhile.
> Now I'd like to change a couple of the subform submits into ajax
> partial page submits instead of full page submits.
> I'm a complete novice when it comes to using ajax -- I've managed to
> do some trivial stuff with it on other pages, but nothing more
> complicated than updating some status messages using a4j:poll.
> My actual page is rather complicated: A form over the whole page.
> Various input fields scattered over the page.   One text input
> requires a trip to the server to update some displayed values.
> Another pulldown wrapped in a subform adds/removes input fields.
> Several buttons wrapped in subforms with no associated submitted
> inputs which populate input field values.   Finally, one button which
> submits all rendered input fields.
> So I picked something I figured would be easy -- it's a pulldown that
> determines which other input fields are rendered.  Here are the
> stripped-down, sanitized tags -- there may be typos that do not exist
> in the actual code.
>                        <t:subform id="listboxForm">
>                                <h:selectOneListbox
>                                         value="#{page.newListboxValue}"
>                                         >
>                                        <f:selectItems
>                                                value="#{page.listboxItems}"/>
>                                        <sandbox:submitOnEvent 
> for="executeListboxChangeButton" />
>                                </h:selectOneListbox>
>                                <t:commandButton 
> id="executeListboxChangeButton"
>                                        style="display: none"
>                                        actionFor="listboxForm"
>                                        value="Go!">
>                                </t:commandButton>
>                        </t:subform>
> My first thought was I could add the following to t:commandButton:
> <a4j:support event="onclick" disableDefault="true" reRender="area1,area2" />
> Then I tried dropping the subform, submitOnEvent, and commandButton
> and using ajaxsingle=true:
>                                <h:selectOneListbox
>                                         value="#{page.newListboxValue}"
>                                         >
>                                        <f:selectItems
>                                                value="#{page.listboxItems}"/>
>                                        <a4j:support ajaxSingle="true" 
> event="onchange" reRender="area1,area2" />
>                                </h:selectOneListbox>
> None of these seem to trigger the partial submit.
> I'm probably misunderstanding something fundamental.   Any help is 
> appreciated.

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