Hi All,

I wonder if anyone has ever come across an issue with "hour-glass" cursor
when working with PPR and IE?

Here is the simplest form below which does cause "hour-glass" cursor
appearing and a form freezing when rendered on IE.
Rick then left-left mouse click may help to switch the form back into a
normal state.

<f:view xmlns:f="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core";
        <trh:head><title>hour glass issue</title> </trh:head>
        <trh:body >
                <tr:panelGroupLayout layout="vertical">
                        <tr:form id="frm_1">
                                <tr:inputText label="Surname:" id="it_1"/>
                                <tr:commandButton id="cb_1" text="Search"

To catch an issue you need to click inputText element several times quickly
then commandButton then inputText element again.
With this simplest form the issue is not that apparent. However if the form
becomes more complicated "hour-glass" cursors spoils the whole application
because it may appear VERY often, for instance on each third click in the

If I remove "partialSubmit" the issue disappears.

What is wrong here?

Sincerely yours
Dmitry Barsukov

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