Hi Martin,

This seems to be the normal JSF behavior. Let me explain :
- first,  your boolean ra.kmt is false, inputText is present and
inputTextArea is not.
- after a click on your checkbox, ra.kmt is changed and becomes true.
So in the component tree, the inputText component is NOT present
(rendered=false). That's why it doesn't get the new value. I think it
might work if the checkbox was after the inputText, but I wouldn't
recommend you to expect this to always work in all cases.

However, the inputText should get a ValueChangeEvent, so if you add a
valueChangeListener, you should get the new value. You may want to
copy it yourself in ra.debitnote.

If it's possible for your project, another solution would be to work
with a jsf library such as Apache Trinidad. In Trinidad you have a
tr:inputText component that does inputText AND inputTextarea,
all-in-one, depending on the number of rows you set. Thus it would be
the very same component whether the checkbox is checked or not.

Your code with Trinidad would look like :

<tr:selectBooleanCheckBox value="#{ra.kmt}" autoSubmit="true" id="chooseSize"/>
<tr:inputText value="#{ra.debitnote}" rows="#{ra.kmt ? 4 : 1}"

Hope this helps,
Cedric Durmont

2010/6/28 Martin Monshausen <martin.monshau...@prodyna.de>:
> Hi community,
> would you mind taking a short look to the following problem, please?
> Depending on the value of a checkbox I want to show either an 
> inputText-element or an inputTextarea-element - as shown below. The default 
> is, that the checkbox is disabled and therefore the inputText will be shown. 
> If the user enters some text to the textbox, I want to transfer it to the 
> inputTextArea.
> If I trigger some actions located on the page after text was entered and 
> before checkbox is clicked (communication with server took place) everything 
> is working fine.
> If I click the checkbox right after entering the text only the changed value 
> of the checkbox is considered as changed (setter-method for DebitNote will 
> not be called) and nothing is transferred (assuming nothing was enter to the 
> inputText before).
> What's wrong? Did I missed something? Is there any other solution you would 
> suggest?
> //checkbox clicking on button in order to transfer state to server
> <h:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{ra.kmt}" 
> onclick="document.getElementById('updateButton').click();" />
> //shown on startup; value should be transferred
> <h:inputText value="#{ra.debitnote}" rendered="#{!ra.kmt}" size="53" 
> maxlength="50" tabindex="1"  />
> //shown if checkbox is checked; value of inputText should be displayed
> <h:inputTextarea value="#{ra.debitnote}" rendered="#{ra.kmt}" rows="4" 
> cols="42" tabindex="1" />
> //just repaint site (only transfer state to server)
> <t:commandButton action="repaint" style="visibility:hidden;" forceId="true" 
> id="updateButton" />
> Thanks alot,
> Martin

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