
I have the following example:

       <h:outputLabel for="val1" value="Value1"/>
       <h:inputText id="val1"
           <f:ajax render="myText" event="change" />

       <h:outputText id="myText" value="#{myBean.val1}"/>

<h:commandButton id="button" value="submit" action="#{myBean.action}"/>

Now I fill out the input field and directly press Enter for submit or click submit button without leaving the input field before. Now two requests are send parallel (page submit and ajax value change event). The problem is I found four different behaviours which comes random (with firefox):

1.) 1. request: value change listener is called. 2. request actions is called (that's what I expected) 2.) 1. request value change listener is called. but the action request is missing. 3.) 1. action request get's in an fires the value change event and calls the action. but than this message pops up: "httpError-httpError-Request failed- Note, this message is only sent, because project sage is development and no other error listeners are registered" 4.) 1. request value change lister is called. 2. request also value change listener is called and than the action is called. the message above also pops up.

In IE sometimes the action is called, sometimes not. The value change listener is always called. But this error dialog (like in firefox) is never shown.

Is there any explanation? How could I force a fix behaviour?

Thx for help.


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