What problems do you have with f:ajax in Trinidad 2? it should be working

On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 11:07 PM, Venkat Ramanan Viswanathan
<ramanan.venka...@gmail.com> wrote:
> HI
> Can some one share the timelines for Trinidad 2 final release. We are still
> using alpha 2 for our environment and it is quite stable except that
> <f:ajax> is not working correctly. Can some one share the dates for RC1, RC2
> and final production release.
> Also are there plans to make it work with other frameworks ? Currently if we
> use trinidad components, we cannot mix them with other jsf component
> frameworks like  richfaces , primefaces , Icefaces as the PPR concepts are
> different in each framework.
> Thanks
> Venkat

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