hi björn,

i've committed a first draft. you are welcome to use the current version -
in your case [1].




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2010/8/2 Björn Voß <voss.bjo...@googlemail.com>

> Hi,
> I use the stack JSF 2 (RI 2.0.2) + ExtVal (2.0.4-SNAPSHOT) . With @Equals I
> do a simple email check.
> What I wanted to do is ajax validation and the equality is only checked if
> the user leaves the secound input field?
> Here are bean and facelet snipp:
> ################# bean snip
> public class EmailBean {
>    @Email //hibernate constrain
>    @UniqueEmail //custom jr 303 annotation
>    @NotEmpty //hibernate constrain
>    private String email;
>    @Equals
>    private String emailRepeat;
> ################# facelet snipp
> <h:panelGroup id="emailBlock" layout="block">
>            <h:message id="emailInputMsg" for="emailInput"/>
>            <h:outputLabel value="Email" />
>            <h:inputText id="emailInput" value="#{emailBean.email}" >
>                <f:ajax event="blur" execute="@this"
> render="emailInputMsg"></f:ajax>
>            </h:inputText>
>        </h:panelGroup>
>        <h:panelGroup id="emailRepeatBlock" layout="block">
>            <h:message id="emailRepeatMsg" for="emailRepeatInput"/>
>            <h:outputLabel value="Wiederholung-Email" />
>            <h:inputText id="emailRepeatInput"
> value="#{emailBean.emailRepeat}" >
>                <f:ajax event="blur" execute="@this"
> render="emailRepeatMsg"></f:ajax>
>            </h:inputText>
>        </h:panelGroup>
> Now 2 things:
> 1. I want the equal validation only to happen on blur of the
> emailRepeatInput
> 2. (nice to have) the equal error message only for repeat input
> Is there a way to do this?
> I have searched the ExtVal blog and the examples but I didn't find a
> scenario like this.
> regards
> Björn

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