Well, as he seems to use Facelets this should be OK as Facelets provides parts of the JSTL. But nevertheless you are right, combining Facelets and JSTL can have nasty side effects.


Am 06.08.2010 09:44, schrieb Anton Gavazuk:
which version of JSF do you use - 1.1, 1.2, 2.0?
I suppose it could be unexpected behavior of  mixing JSF and JSP tags.

2010/8/6 preeti agarwal<preetiagarwa...@gmail.com>

Thanks for your response.

Basically, I am creating a tab facelet component. The code below is for
achieving lazy loading. I am iterating over each tab and creating a
commandlink for each:

<c:forEach var="tabs1" items="#{paramList}" begin="0" end="#{listSize}"
    <c:set var="index" value="#{status.index}" scope="session"/>
     <c:when test="${tabs1.lazyLoadingEnabled =='true'}">
          *<tr:commandLink id ="LazyLoad#{CompId}_#{index}"

On click on each tab, I trigger the command link to display the

<c:forEach var="tab" items="#{paramList}" begin="0" end="#{listSize}"
      <c:set var="Tcount" value="#{status.index}" scope="session"/>

id="LazyLoadPanelGroup#{CompId}_#{Tcount}" p**
*                      TAB CONTENT


The funny thing is that if I do it programatically - Using the action
listener and setting the trigger in Java function, it works.  Below is the
code for the Action Listener :

UIComponent PanelGroup = root.findComponent(PanelId);

RequestContext rc = RequestContext.*getCurrentInstance*();


I have checked for the Ids. It looks like the PPR call is getting blocked
somewhere, because when I click on the third one *all those tabs which have
been clicked before* get rendered.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: *Michael Kurz*<michi.k...@gmx.at>
Date: Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 11:20 PM
Subject: Re: Issue related to commandlinks
To: users@myfaces.apache.org

Are you sure the IDS are correct (no NamingContainers in between or
something like this)? A code fragment might be helpful to outline the


Am 04.08.2010 15:59, schrieb preeti agarwal:

Hey all,

          I have three panelGroupLayouts and three commandlinks. Each
commandlink is associated with a corresponding panelGroupLayout. I am
rendering the panelgroupLayouts using PPR (partialtriggers) on clicking of
the commandlinks.

When I click the first two commandlinks, nothing happens (The panelgroup
doesn't get rendered).
When I click the third one, all three panelgroups get rendered.

I have rechecked that the ids are linked correctly. Any idea why this might

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