I have been reading about Lifecylces and this is my fourth JSF project.

As far as I know 30 minutes is default timeout on Tomcat and server state
saving is also default - according to log output.

The code is very simple, so if it isn't a bug it should be easy to fix if
I'm doing something wrong.


> On 8/31/2010 4:53 PM, Micah Klitgaard wrote:
>> javax.faces.application.ViewExpiredException: /pages/login.xhtmlNo saved
>> view state could be found for the view identifier: /pages/login.xhtml
> ViewExpiredException is one of the most common exceptions you'll
> encounter in JSF.  I'd suggest you start by reading some background
> material on the JSF life cycle (just Google those three terms.)
> Try setting your session-timeout to 30 and state_saving_method to server.
> --
> Guy Rouillier

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