The first thing I'd recommend trying is upgrading Myfaces from 1.2.5 to 1.2.9.
You might also try downgrading Facelets to 1.1.14.   I'm not sure what
the official status of 1.1.15 is.

MF 1.2.9, Facelets 1.1.14, and TH 12-1.1.9 is what I use.

On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 7:43 AM, Ken McArthur <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Has anyone successfully used Tomahawk  inputHtml with MyFaces
> implementation 1.2.5, Tomahawk 12-1.1.9, and Facelets 1.1.15?
> When I try something simple like:
>   <t:inputHtml id="page_content_value1"
>               valueChangeListener="#{pageContentAction.valueChange}"
>               converter="trimConverter"
>               value="#{pageContentDO.value}"/>
> ...
>   <h:commandButton
>              action="#{pageContentAction.insert}"
>              value="#{bundle.form_submit_updt}"
>              styleClass="cmdBtn1"/>
> When I put some data in the inputHtml box and click commandButton:
>   valueChangeListener never gets called
>   converter gets called with empty string
>   pageContentDO.value setter method never gets called
> This code worked fine with earlier release of MyFaces and Tomahawk so
> I'm wondering when it went bad and how far back I have to go to get
> inputHtml working again.  Maybe I'm attempting to use bad combination
> of MyFaces and Tomahawk.  What is latest release combination of
> MyFaces and Tomahawk is anyone seeing inputHtml work?
> Thanks for any ideas you may have,
> Ken
> --
> 303-619-6607
> dynoSite creator
  • inputHtml Ken McArthur
    • Re: inputHtml Mike Kienenberger

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