So I have started to use trinidad 2.0.0-alpha-2 on top of my application,
which uses AJAX tags all over the place.  After including trinidad in the
library and making the indicated web.xml and faces-config.xml changes, but
without inserting any tr tags AJAX no longer works in my forms.  The forms
can still be processed when commandButton tags are activated, but of course
I don't get the immediate user feedback when they change values or blur
fields, etc.

Looking at it with Chrome, the error I get is on the console is "Uncaught
ReferenceError: mojarra is not defined."  My guess is that the render kit
for trinidad ( org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.core) is overriding or
interfering with the mojarra render kit.

Is this a trinidad bug or is it possible there is some step I forgot to
take?  Is there a bug data base for this version that I am supposed to

Side question:  is there a work-around?

I'm sort of new to this group but I am willing to do the homework if I know
where to look up the material.  Any pointers much appreciated.



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