Hi folks,

when testing the following form with client-side validation disabled
(<client-validation-disabled>true</client-validation-disabled> - I really
need this way), the "required" message is now shown:
       <tr:form partialTriggers="button1">

          <tr:inputText label="Your name" id="input1"
value="#{helloWorldBacking.name}" required="true"/>
          <tr:commandButton id="button1" text="press me"
action="#{helloWorldBacking.send}" partialSubmit="true"/>


This test case uses MyFaces 1.2.9 + Trinidad 1.2.13.
Is it really a known bug (maybe related with
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TRINIDAD-697) ?
Is there a workaround ?

Best regards,

Walter Mourão

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