
I'm also using a tr:table with pagination inside a tr:panelpopup. So
far I haven't had any problem with that.
Can you give the part of your page with the tr:panelPopup ?
Also, what's the browser you're testing with ?


2010/11/19 Dreher, Markus <m.dre...@dzbw.de>:
> Hi all,
> i'm using a tr:table inside a modal tr:panelPopup component.
> If the size of the list is greater than the rowsattribute oft he table,
> the table renders a range selector.
> If i select a new range, the popup disappears and input is still blocked
> by the popup.
> Is the panelPopup component only intended for use with simple
> components? Or do i miss something?
> It looks like the div fort he popupContainer gets its initial style
> which is visibility: hidden
> I'm using tinidad 1.2.13 and facelets 1.1.15.
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Markus
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