Am 13.05.11 08:17, schrieb Admirolas:

I have tried my JSF application, that uses MyFaces Tomahawk 1.1.10 with
Internet Explorer 9. After click on calendar button I get JavaScript
error: DOM Exception: INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR (5). IE9 JavaScript debugger
shows, that exception is thrown in calendar/popcalendar.js line 164.
There is call to: document.createElement and passes html tag as parameter.

Maybe there is some workaround? A patch? Should I migrate to 1.2.10?


Hi this is unfortunately a known issue with ie9 I will patch this out next week. Actually it is not an issue, but ie9 behaves more spec compliant in that area. For a quick fix you can force IE9 into quirks mode if that is an option.


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