Try changing the "compatibility mode" in IE. IE8 "almost always"
switches to IE7-compatible mode with Trinidad.
Also, you may get different result if you access your Trinidad app
with "http://machinename/..."; and "http://localhost/...";. As strange
as it sounds, IE has a different behavior when you use "localhost"
(and this has nothing to do with security parameters... Man I love
this browser !)


2011/6/10 Walter Mourão <>:
> Hi Cedric,
> just tried with tr:setActionListener and I've got the same result... this is
> really a strange problem: IE8 (same 'complete' version) accessing the same
> site, same configuration, etc. Works with one and doesn't work with the
> other. Continuing the quest...
> Walter Mourão
> On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 10:02 AM, Cédric Durmont <> wrote:
>> Hi Walter,
>> The only thing that looks unusual to me in your code is the mix
>> between tr:commandLink and f:setPropertyActionListener. Have you tried
>> tr:setActionListener instead ?
>> (btw I see no reason why this would cause a viewExpiredException on
>> some browsers, but who said computing was an exact science ?)
>> Regards,
>> Cedric
>> 2011/6/10 Walter Mourão <>:
>> > Hi folks,
>> > I'm using Myfaces 1.2.9, Trinidad 1.2.14.
>> > the following commandLink (and others in the same application) causes
>> > ViewExpiredException in some (!!!) IE8...
>> >
>> >        <tr:commandLink id="proximaPagina"
>> > action="#{listarRelatoriosController.visualizandoRelatorioMudarPagina}"
>> >
>> disabled="#{listarRelatoriosVisualizandoRelatorioMudarPaginaForm.paginaAtual
>> > ge form.paginas}" partialSubmit="false">
>> >            <tr:image source="/images/arrow-next.gif"
>> > shortDesc="#{messages['proxima.pagina']}" inlineStyle="border-style:none"
>> />
>> >            <f:setPropertyActionListener
>> > value="#{listarRelatoriosVisualizandoRelatorioMudarPaginaForm.paginaAtual
>> +
>> > 1}"
>> >
>> target="#{listarRelatoriosVisualizandoRelatorioMudarPaginaForm.paginaAtual}"
>> > />
>> >        </tr:commandLink>
>> >
>> > I'm lost... Hints ?
>> >
>> > Walter Mourão
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >

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