Hello All,

I am using MyFaces 2.0 (JSF 2.0).

Web.xml config
*javax.faces.STATE_SAVING_METHOD* - *client*
*org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.CLIENT_STATE_METHOD - **all*

1. Is the Trinidad state saving optimization is applicable only if client
state method is 'TOKEN'. I don't want sticky session hence I am going with
full client side approach.
2. I have read that trinidad stores only the state that has been modified.
It causes the view state hidden field to be small as compared to view state
of the core myfaces.
    I have done a small test by creating a small xhtml page. I have created
two versions of this page one created by core myfaces & other by trinidad. I
have observed that there is slight reduction (20%) in the view state but not
much. I was expecting more. Note: The web.xml for trinidad has the above
    What are your views on this ?

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