
If the table has partialTriggers pointing to the command button, it should work just fine. I would check two things: 1) is your partial trigger Id set correctly, i.e do you need to do something like stepping out of the naming container, etc.?; 2) do you see table's HTML included in partial response when you use HTTP sniffing tools like Firebug?


On 4/26/2011 2:31 PM, Catherine Rocchio wrote:
Hi there,

I am trying to achieve a Partial Submit update of a Trinidad Table upon
submit of a Command Button (called "Add Row").  The bean behind the table is
definitely getting updated because when I do an overall page refresh, I see
my new rows getting added - but I can't seem to get the table to refresh on
its own with the partialTriggers on it.

So.. I guess my question is - should something like this work?  Or.. do
tables need to be programmatically poked for partial submits?  This seems
pretty basic - but - it just isn't working for me.  I guess I will feel
better if I know it SHOULD work - and I will keep trying.

I am using Trinidad 2 and Myfaces 2.


Thanks for help!


<tr:commandButton text="Add" partialSubmit="true" id="test"
actionListener="#{createworkplan.addAction}"  />

My addAction is just boring - but adds a row to a vector which is behind the

       public void addAction(ActionEvent event) {

                   wprolelist.add(new RoleList("test person", "True",
"True", "True"));


And my table has the specification of the partialTrigger.

<tr:table id="workplanroleprivs" rowSelection="single"
value="#{createworkplan.wprolelist}" var="row" width = "800"





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